Un resolution 1540 pdf merge

United nations security council resolution 1546, adopted unanimously on 8 june 2004, after reaffirming previous resolutions on iraq, the council endorsed the formation of the iraqi interim government, welcomed the end of the occupation and determined the status of the multinational force and its relationship with the iraqi government the resolution was cosponsored by the united kingdom and. Jan 22, 2014 all states shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the charter of the united nations, the universal declaration of human rights and the present declaration on the basis of equality, non interference in the internal affairs of all states, and respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples and their territorial integrity. The beginnings of the resolution first appeared in an address to the general assembly in 2003 by u. The security council, reaffirming its resolutions 1267 1999 of 15 october 1999, 73 2001 of 28 september 2001, 1535 2004 of 26 march 2004, 1540 2004 of 28 april 2004, 1566 2004 of 8 october 2004, and 1617 2005 of 29 july 2005, the declaration annexed to its resolution 1456 2003 of 20 january 2003, as well as its other. On 28 april 2004, the security council passed resolution 1540 on the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Select multiple pdf files and merge them in seconds. Aug 18, 2012 gravely concerned by the threat of terrorism and the risk that nonstate actors 1 such as those identified in the united nations list established and maintained by the committee established under security council resolution 1267 and those to whom resolution 73 applies, may acquire, develop, traffic in or use nuclear, chemical and. Unscr search engine for the united nations security council resolutions.

Contributions of the united nations in implementing. The 1540 committee expert presented resolution 1540 2004 and the role of the 1540 committee, including its clearinghouse function and its mandate to cooperate with international, regional and sub. Jarring mission special representative to middle east appointed under res. United nations security council resolution 1540 the united nations. Resolution 1874 2009 adopted by the security council at its 6141st meeting, on 12 june 2009 the security council, recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 1993, resolution 1540 2004, resolution 1695 2006, and, in particular, resolution 1718 2006, as well as the statements of its president of 6 october 2006. Resolution 1540 is a notable development both in that it explicitly recognises non. United nations security council resolution 1540 2004 is one in a series of measures taken to. In response, the united nations security council adopted resolution 1540 unscr 1540, a comprehensive resolution requiring all states to establish controls over wmd and the means to create and deliver them. The security council, reaffirming its resolutions 1267 1999 of 15 october 1999, 73 2001 of 28 september 2001, 1535 2004 of 26 march 2004, 1540 2004 of 28 april 2004. United nations security council resolution 1540 and the. Resolution 1540 2004 is the first international instrument that deals with weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and related materials in such an integrated and comprehensive manner.

Principle x the transmission of information in respect of nonselfgoverning territories under article 73 e of the charter is subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require. Shareholders resolution authorizing merger of the corporation. When you have two branches with changes to the same file and you try to merge them, a merge conflict will occur. Recalling relevant resolutions that has been made, including resolution 8251993, resolution 1540 2004 and resolution 1695 2006 and resolution 18742009, especially with the part that recalls statement underlined the need for all member states to resolve peacefully in. Resolution 2325 2016 builds on resolution 1540 2004 and will facilitate its full and effective implementation. United nations security council resolution 1540 wikisource. United nations, 1540 committee unscr 1673, 1810 regional outreach and awarenessraising seminars and workshops international organizations iaea, opcw in perticular regional organizations followup resolutions in 2006 and 2008 stressed further the importance of. The security council adopts resolution 2325 2016 unanimously on 15 december 2016. Security council resolution 1540 2004 unrcpd united.

Fourthly, it sets up a committee which will combine in one body. United nations security council resolution 1541, adopted unanimously on 29 april 2004, after recalling all previous resolutions on the situation in western sahara, particularly resolution 1495 2003, the council extended the mandate of the united nations mission for the referendum in western sahara minurso until 31 october 2004 with a view to reducing its size. Global nonproliferation and counterterrorism brookings institution. United nations s res2231 2015 security council distr general 20 july 2015 resolution 2231 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7488th meeting, on 20 july 2015. This is a report from the nautilus institute workshop cooperation to control nonstate nuclear proliferation. To see the list of conflicted files run git status on your terminal. Tools such as resolution 1540 2004 need to be fit for purpose, and i am.

Reaffirming that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their delivery means was a threat to international peace and security, the security council today extended for three years the mandate of the committee created to monitor implementation of its resolution 1540 2004, which called on all states to establish domestic controls and adopt legislation to. Enhancing unscr 1540 implementationrelated activities by science council of japan. Sustained international focus on doing nonproliferation many assistanceproviders have provided explanations for why the implementation of resolution 1540 is important for peace and prosperity. United nations security council resolution 1540 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery constitutes a. The security council, recalling its resolutions 73 2001, 1963 2010, 2129 20 and 2322 2016. When this resolution was adopted in 2004, it was widely viewed as a response to the tragic terrorist attacks on 11 september 2001. United nations security council resolution 1540 2004. United nations security council resolution 1624 september 14, 2005.

The security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, and its resolutions 1696 2006, 1737 2006, 1747 2007, 1803 2008, 1835 2008, and 1929. Implementation and technical assistance in south and southeast asia unless otherwise specified, the opinions presented here are those of the presenter and may not necessarily reflect the views of the 1540 committee. United nations sres2094 20 security council distr general 7 march 20 resolution 2094 20 25306 e. Recalls the decisions made by the security council in resolution 2118, and in this context decides in the event of future noncompliance with resolution 2118 to impose measures under chapter vii of the united nations charter. English 1617934 e 141216 1617934 seventyfirst session agenda item 4 programme budget for the biennium 20162017 estimates in respect of special political missions, good. Resolution unscr 1540, adopted on april 28, 2004, under the auspices of. United nations general assembly resolution 1514 wikisource. United nations s res2250 2015 security council distr general 9 december 2015 resolution 2250 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7573rd meeting, on 9 december 2015 the security council, recalling its resolutions 25 2000, 1820 2008, 1889 2009, 1960 2010. The resolution filled a gap in international law by addressing the risk. United nations security council resolution 1540 at the. James martin center for implementing resolution 1540. Conflicted lines of the files will be marked with visual indicators.

A general assembly esubscription to united nations. United nations s security council interparliamentary union. Resolution 2270 2016 1603394 e 1603394 adopted by the security council at its 7638th meeting, on 2 march 2016 the security council, recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 1993, resolution 1540 2004, resolution 1695 2006, resolution 1718 2006, resolution. This is the first resolution that deals specifically with the role of young people in issues of peace and security. Today, it continues to advance the goals of preventing the proliferation and terrorist acquisition of weapons of mass destruction wmd. United nations in assisting to implement security council resolution 1540. Encourages the joint investigative mechanism, where relevant, to consult appropriate united nations counterterrorism and nonproliferation bodies, in particular the committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 and 126719892253 isil daesh and alqaida sanctions committee, in order to exchange information on nonstate actor.

Unscr 1540, if fully implemented, can help ensure that no state or nonstate actor is a source or beneficiary of wmd proliferation. United nations security council resolution 1540 wikipedia. United nations security council resolution 1556, adopted on 30 july 2004, after recalling resolutions 1502 2003 and 1547 2004 on the situation in sudan, the council demanded that the sudanese government disarm the janjaweed militia and bring to justice those who had committed violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in darfur. United nations security council resolution 1546 wikipedia. Secretary generals press statement on the 10th anniversary of united nations security council resolution 1540. United nations sres 1540 2004 security council distr general 28 april 2004 0432843 e 0432843 resolution 1540 2004 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as. The united nations could, when it deems it necessary, supervise these processes. Resolution 2514 reports of the secretarygeneral on the sudan and south sudan 2020 sudan, south, sudan. As chair of the united nations security councils resolution 1540 committee i offer congratulations to the government of mexico for organising and hosting this important regional industry outreach seminar. Resolution 1540 2004 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004. On 20 july 2015, the security council adopted resolution 2231 2015, in. Security council distr general 12 march 2020 resolution 2514 2020 adopted by the security council at its 8744th meeting, on 12 march 2020 the. The resolution was sponsored by the united states, with the philippines, spain and france which joined at the last minute 8 as cosponsors. Prior to joining the cornell faculty, he was a member of the tenured faculty at the.

Affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a. Related with resolutions 825 1540 1695 1718 1874 1887 2087 2094 2270 2321 2345 2356 2371 quoted in resolutions 2397 2407 2464 2515 security council composition chn fra rus gbr usa bol eth ita kaz swe egy jpn sen ukr ury. The resolution is an important landmark for the recognition. Slow, but steady progress implementing unscr 1540 introduction in april 2004, the united nations security council unanimously passed resolution 1540, intended to reduce the threat of terrorist groups gaining access to weapons of mass destruction. United nations a765 general assembly distr general 17 october 2016 original. Resolution 1270 1999 adopted by the security council at its 4054th meeting on 22 october 1999 the security council, recalling its resolutions 1171 1998 of 5 june 1998, 1181 1998 of july 1998, 1231 1999 of 11 march 1999 and 1260 1999 of 20 august 1999 and other relevant resolutions and the statement of its president of 15 may 1999. United nations security council resolution 1541 wikipedia. Tanaka, undersecretarygeneral for disarmament affairs and the. United nations security council resolution 1540 unscr 1540 unscr 1540 was adopted on 28 april 2004 as a response to the threat to international peace and security caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as their. Unscr 1540 support team united nations office at geneva. In the field of chemistry, 3d printers offer the possibility of combining various. Designed and printed by the publishing service, united nations, geneva ge.

Unscr 1540 is a key part of international efforts to prevent the proliferation of wmd, including to terrorists and other. On behalf of members of the 1540 committee, i would like to thank ambassador nobuaki. United nations sres2235 2015 security council distr. Th e resolution requires states to refrain from providing any support to nonstate actors across a range of activities. This shareholders resolution authorizing merger of corporation is for use when a merger is authorized during a formal shareholders meeting. Implementation in the asia pacific sharon riggle and michael mcginley.

Resolution 1593 2005 adopted by the security council at its 5158th meeting, on 31 march 2005 the security council, taking note of the report of the international commission of inquiry on. The resolution was a response to the risk that nonstate actors might acquire, develop, traffic in or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery. Nonstate actors and the proliferation of weapons of mass. The operations of the mission terminated on 31 december 2015. Unsc resolution 1540 unsc resolution 1540 fact sheet. Effective practices and lessons learned in legislative implementation workshop for igad states on enhancing implementation of resolution 1540 and other nonproliferation instruments yasemin balci, senior legal. Security council resolution 2250 unoy peacebuilders.

Resolution of 21 april 1948 s726 the security council, having considered the complaint of the government of india concerning the dispute over the state of jammu and kashmir, having heard the representative of india in support of that complaint and the reply and countercomplaints of the representative of pakistan, being strongly of the opinion that the early restoration. United nations security council resolution 1810 wikipedia. General 7 august 2015 resolution 2235 2015 15352 e 15352 adopted by the security council at its 7501st meeting, on 7 august 2015 the security council, recalling the protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating. United nations audiovisual library of international law. Sres2118 20 2 48923 serious violation of international law, and stressing that those responsible for any use of chemical weapons must be held accountable, recalling the obligation under resolution 1540 2004 that all states shall refrain from providing any form of. United nations sres1747 2007 security council distr general 24 march 2007 0728140 e 0728140 resolution 1747 2007 adopted by the security council at its 5647th meeting on 24 march 2007 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, of 29 march 2006. United nations security council resolution 1540 2004, adopted on 28 april 2004, seeks to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems by nonstate actors. Adopted by the security council at its 5261st meeting, on 14 september 2005. Unsc resolution 1540 and the regional organisations. Bush, who declared that the united states would be seeking a resolution from the security council to. United nations security council resolution 1556 wikipedia. Biological risk management and the united nations security. The objective of united nations security council resolution 1540 2004 is to. United nations sres1701 2006 security council distr general 11 august 2006 0646503 e 0646503 resolution 1701 2006 adopted by the security council at its 5511th meeting, on 11 august 2006 the security council, recalling all its previous resolutions on lebanon, in particular resolutions 425.

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